Public Penpals

— 3 minute read

In a world where day-to-day life gets in the way of catching up with internet friends is tough.

I've been thinking about how podcasts, posts on personal websites keep internet friends in the loop. I had some calls with some friends this week, and got me thinking I need a good way to share what up too and sharing things I've found.

Dave Rupert does a vibe check post every month or so, and gives a quick life update of whats going on. I really enjoy that style of update.

So any way here some of things I've been up too.

April Family Trip permalink

As an indoorsman, I don't travel a whole lot but April was full of travel. Took the family to Washington DC for spring vacation. Lots of things to see, the kids favorite was the zoo.

April Work Retreat permalink

Destination: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Travel Vehicles: 3 Buses, 2 Planes, 1 Twitter friend Uber driver.

Woke up to a VERY early update email from greyhound that my bus up to Montreal was delayed by A LOT and I'd miss my flight out of Montreal. I reschedule for an earlier bus (4:45am). I walk to the bus station, no bus just never shows up.

After waiting til around 6:30am a bus does show up. I beg them to let me on the bus, and having some very nice asking and showing the delayed bus and emails about new tickets. The bus driver lets me on.

The bus arrives earlier than my original planned bus, so time to explore Montreal at 7am on a Tuesday. I grabbed a pastry and espresso. Got picked up by my friend Marcos to get me to the Airport with plenty of time.

Land in Mexico, direct flight for the win. Meet up with some of my team.

FIRST UBER RIDE! ya I know, its 2024 I should have been in an Uber before now but thats another story.

Had a blast with the team in Mexico. Trip back was seamless, as much as people hear the story of multiple stops through customs and bus rides. Much more seamless than some stories I've heard of planes being stuck on the runway for hours for no reason.

May permalink

Work projects cruising, spring finally shows up. Still two months of school left.

June permalink

Final month of school, and had FOMO about some events that happened.

July permalink

Working from home with kids at home is not for the faint of heart. Lots of bugs squashed. Beach days, camp fires, summer camps.

August permalink

Trips to the Granby Zoo. Beach days, some late summer sickness.

September permalink

School starts! Got lots of birthdays and hopefully some trips to the orchad for cider donuts. Funny how once having kids September feels like the start of the new year. Lots of work stuff to get done before the end of December though

-- Emmett