Summer Time (and the living is not that easy)

— 1 minute read

Summer time. Brings back memories of camping, and late nights talking on porch steps with friends. Summer is a whole different ball game, as a parent of 3 little ones.

First, we got summer camps. School year finished strong, got the kids pumped about summer camp. Week 2 of camp got bamboozled by covid. Kids very upset, this now means 3 kids instead of 1 home during the week.

Second, I am working from home. Which has turned into me delivering popsicles and juice boxes as quick as I can so I can focus on work.

Three, tired kids means melt downs and throw downs. Or waking up very early in the morning because they fell asleep before I finished work.

But overall, now we are into August things are hitting a routine. Then next month will get messed with again with school starting. Its a wild ride.

In the meantime, send patience and coffee.