Thanks for all the things
This year has been a wild one. But looking back to where I was this time last year to now. I am in the right place. I wouldn't be where I am today, without some incredible people placing bets on me.
First off, Thanks to Kelly Vaughn and Rhian Beutler for bringing me into the Govalo team earlier this year. I learned so many incredible things there.
Next, I cannot express my gratitude enough for the team over at Luro. So many thanks to Dave Rupert, Trent Walton, and Reagan Ray for giving me the opportunity to help build parts of Luro. I got to build some incredible things. I have so much respect for what this team is working on.
Also, everybody that has been a part of CoderDads, this community has seen so many wild things happen. Dads landing their first jobs in tech, being able to buy their first house. Many other incredible stories in that community.
I am hopeful about where my next journey starts, but looking back at the wonderful people I have gotten to work with, brings me an overwhelming sense of joy.