You Can't be What You Were

— 1 minute read

This line from Fugazi's song "Bad Mouth", hits just as hard as it did when I first heard it.

You can't be what you were So you better start living the life That you're talking about

Time is running. Start making moves.

"Do you write the story, or is it already written." A line from Future Commerce's latest journal.

Fits into this mood as well. Don't like how the current story was written? CHANGE IT.

Change is hard, but without taking action and betting on something. Nothing changes and You will talk yourself down. You will talk yourself out of things you want. Then you will start talking down about other people's stories.

A lot of things come down to just getting things moving. Start that band, that website, that zine.

Just start. Because remember "You can't be what you were"