Our Blog could be your life

— 2 minute read

Hearing Yancey Strickler talk about Our Band could be your life, gave me instant flashbacks to being in the back of a car driving home from seeing family in the mid-west reading this book during a spring break vacation.

I self-released all my music and my writing on the internet.

I want to share things like the liner notes in a record. What can I do to help others discover things I am into? We don't need an algorithm to tell me what I should like!

I dream of hearing about bands, books, and articles that light up my friends and people I look up to. Share the links!

This also ties into the idea of platform risk. Platforms and stages are disappearing faster than ever. And all your belongings on those platforms can disappear. Own the stuff you make to avoid this.

That Thread should be a Blog Post being able to quickly share your posts and get some reward for owning the content. It was quick to find the post I wanted to share, and not filter through all my Tweets to find the specific one I wanted to share.

The stories I want to tell here and share, won't disappear because they go out of business or get banned for spying on users.

I would love to hear from you if you have ideas for what I should write about or things I should share. Contact me!

Nobody is coming to put out your story, it's best to just DO IT YOURSELF.